If you’ve ever felt that vague frustration at repeating the same miserable patterns, indulging the same destructive habits, or chasing after the same hollow rewards, you are at the threshold of change. 

The Enneagram is a mirror held to our most persistent flaws and psychological traps. When approached with humility and honesty, the model exposes us. It rips aside the masks we wear, calling out our manipulations, vanities and addictions. We are left with a precise accounting of what motivates, ensnares, and ultimately defines our lives. 

Critics cry, “But it isn’t scientific!” and thus fail to grasp that not everything valuable in human life comes out of a lab. Love isn’t scientific, neither is forgiveness, and neither is understanding yourself. Yet, these things matter. 

Maybe you are ready and have the spiritual courage to shine a light on the fuel driving those self-defeating cycles in your career and relationships. The doors are open. Just know- The Enneagram isn’t here to console us; it’s here to wake us up. The truth will set you free. 


Why the Enneagram?

The Enneagram helps us to recognise and understand our default Reality Maps and Reality Strategies. It opens opportunities for us to address unconscious perspectives that may be imprisoning us and diminishing our aliveness and potential.

Support our mission to bring the Wisdom of the Enneagram to the healing of intergenerational and collective trauma

In 2022, Takdīr Transformation will train and certify more Enneagram Practitioners – and give more scholarships – than ever before. If you wish to support a dedicated, high-potential person from disadvantaged background and / or working in a poor community to bring the Enneagram into their work, please email me to find out more: ingrid@takdir.co.za

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